About DoctorRussell D. Meldrum, MDBoard Certified Hip & Knee Orthopedic Surgeon
Russell D. Meldrum, MD is a board-certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon, specializing in adult reconstruction with a special interest in hip and knee replacement surgery and arthritis.
Dr. Meldrum was a Tenured Associate professor at Indiana University Medical Center and School of Medicine where he served as the Director of Minimally Invasive Orthopedic Surgery.
- Years
- 1980-1981
- Degree(s)
- B.A. Chemistry
- Institution, City, State
- Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
- Years
- 1987-1991
- Degree(s)
- Doctor of Medicine
- Institution, City, State
- University Of Utah, School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT
- Years
- 1991-1992
- 1992-1996
- 1996-1997
- Training Level
/Specialty - Internship, General Surgery
- Residency, Orthopedics
- Fellowship, Adult Reconstructive Surgery, Orthopedics
- Institution, City, State
- UCLA-Harbor Medical Center, Torrance CA
- San Francisco Residency Training Program, San Francisco, CA
- Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
- Year Certified
- 1999
- 2007
- Board
- American Board of Orthopedic Surgery (ABOS)
- Recertification
- Specialty
- Orthopedics
- Orthopedics
- Year Granted
- 1992
- 1996
- 1997
- 2000
- 2012
- 2016
- Agency/State and License #
- California #G07653
- Massachusetts #150695
- Alabama #20940
- Indiana #1052804A
- Utah #8234697-1205
- Arizona #51549
- Expiration
/Comments - Resigned
- Resigned
- Resigned
- Active
- Active
- Active
- Years
- 1996-1997
- 1997-2000
- 1999-2000
- 2000-2006
- 2006-2007
- 2007-2010
- 2010-2016
- 2016-Present
- Rank
- Clinical Instructor
/Assistant In Orthopedics - Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
- Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies
- Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
- Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
- Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery with Tenure
- Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
- Clinical Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
- Institution, City, State
- Department of Orthopedics, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA
- Department of Orthopedics, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
- Department of Physician Assistant Studies, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
- Department of Orthopedics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
- Department of Orthopedics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
- Department of Orthopedics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
- Richard L Roudebush VAMC, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
- University of Arizona School Of Medicine:Phoenix, Rhoenix, AZ
- Years
- 2000-2010
- 2004-2006
- Title(s)
- Director Adult Reconstructive Fellowship, Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics
- Chief of Orthopedic Service
- Institution, City, State
- Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics, Indianapolis, In 46202
- Richard L Roudebush VAMC
- Years
- 7/1/1991-5/21/2005
- 7/1/2003-10/2/2003
- Title(s)
- Military Service
Highest Rank Obtained: Major - Active Duty
- Institution, City, State
- Dewitt Army Medical center, Ft. BelvoirVirgina
Tripler Army Medical Center, Ft Sam Houston Texas - Ft Stewart Georgia, 3rd ArmyFt Sam Houston Texas/ Brooke ArmyMedical Center
- September 10,
2002. - Jun 28, 2004
- Dec 29 2011
- April 25 2013.
- September 10,
- United States Patent 6447515 – Bioresorbable Implant For Fracture Fixation,
- United States Patent 10/878,787– Internal fixation element for hip acetabular shell,
- World Intellectual Property Organization W02011/163673 A2– Internal fixation element for hip acetabular shell,
- United States Patent WO2011163673 A3- System and method for prevention of hypertrophic scars by actuable patch
- United States Patent US20130100983 A1 Time and temperature duration indicator for eradicating pests and method of use,
I Phone APP: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hip-pain/id540849410?mt=8 September 18, 2012
- Years
- 1987
- 1988
- 1990
- 1991
- 1997
- 2003
- 2005
- 2008
- Award
- NCAA All-American Hammer Throw
- Semi-Finalist US Olympic Team
- Edgar Barber Surgery Scholarship
- Society for Biomaterials
/Outstanding paper by an Intern or Resident - Outstanding Senior Resident
- General’s Medal
- Career Development Award
- Codman Award, Veterans Administration Hospitals, Finalist, Decreasing Surgical Site Infections in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Replacement
- Institution, City, State
- Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
- San Francisco Orthopedic Residency Program, San Francisco, CA
- San Francisco Orthopedic Residency Program, San Francisco, CA
- Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, TX
- Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF), Chicago, Ill
- Richard L Roudebush VAMC Indianapolis, IN
- Years
- 2000-Present
- Organization
- Indiana Orthopedic Society
- Role
- Member
- Years
- 2001
- 2002
- 2002
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2007
- 2009-2013
- 2009-2013
- 2010-Present
- Organization
- The Arthritis Research Campaign (UK)
- The Society for Biomaterials
- The Society for Biomaterials
- Medical Science Monitor
- Journal of Biomedical material Research
- Veterans Association Merritt Review Panelist
- The Journal Of Woman’s Health
- Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research
- American Academy of orthopedic Surgery (AAOS)- Hip and Knee and Adult Reconstruction Subcommittee,
- American Academy of orthopedic Surgery (AAOS)- Hip and Knee and Adult Reconstruction Subcommittee,
- Current Orthopedic Practice
- Role
- Reviewer
- Review Abstracts for Annual Meeting
- Orthopedic Moderator Annual Meeting
- Manuscript Review
- Manuscript Review
- Review
- Manuscript Review
- Invited Reviewer
- Committee Board Member
- Committee Board Member
- Manuscript Review
- Years
- 2000-2006
- 2004-2010
- 2004-2010
- 2005-2010
- Committee
- Minimally Invasive Surgery Committee
- Finance Committee
- Resident Education Committee
- Methodist Hospital Surgical Service Standard Committee
- Role
- Hospitals Orthopedic Representative
- Oversight panel
- Resident Evaluations
- Purchasing, Costs, Complications
- Years
- 2010-Present
- Course/Site
- Adult Orthopedic Elective
- Role
- Preceptor and Staff
- Years
- 2016-Present
- Funding Agency
- Zimmer
- Funding Type
- Restricted
- Title
- Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Replacement A Multi-Center, Cross-Sectional Post-Market Surveillance Study, Protocol CMU2012-08H
- Role
- Principal Investigator
- Funding Amount
- 25,000
- Years
- 1987
- 1988
- 1990
- 1995
- 2000
- 2002
- 2003
- 2009-2011
- Funding Agency
- Brigham Young University, Student Research Award
- University Of Utah School Of Medicine
- Sulzer Orthopedics
- Lloyd Taylor Educational Award, San Francisco orthopedic Residency Program
- National Science Foundation, Alabama Implant Foundation,
- Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF)
- United States Army Material Command
- Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
- Funding Type
- Local
- Local
- Industry
- Local
- Regional
- National
- Unrestricted
- Local
- Title
- Comparison of Testosterone
/Epitestosterone Levels in University Athletes to the International Drug Testing Standards." Brigham Young University Independent Student Research Award, - Histologic Evaluation of a Proximal Femoral Allograft Done in a Revision Arthroplasty
- Comparison of Metal Ions in Barstock, Non-articulated, Simulated and In Vivo Retrieved Polyethylene Acetabular Cups." Sulzer Orthopedics, Jointly Awarded with R. Bloebaum
- Formalin Contamination of Periprosthetic Tissue Samples
- A New Method for Femoral Canal Preparation in Total Hip Revision Surgery.
- High Density Impaction Grafting,
- Healing of Stress Fractures in an Animal Model.
- Skin Regeneration and Wound Closure by Actuatable Patches,”, $10,000. Pending, August 2009 – Closed July 2011
- Role
- Principal Investigator
- Principal Investigator
- Co-Investgator
- Principal Investigator
- Principal Investigator
- Principal Investigator
- Principal Investigator
- Co-Investigator with Jillian LI
Co-Investigator with Ozan Akkus
- Funding Amount
- 500
- 2000
- 15000
- 3000
- 12500
- 50,000
- 200,209.00
- 10,0000
Refereed Original Articles in Journals
- Dorr LD, Bloebaum R, Emmanual J, Meldrum R. Histologic, biochemical, and ion analysis of tissue and fluids retrieved during total hip arthroplasty. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 1990(261):82-95.
- Meldrum RD, Bloebaum RD, Dorr LD. Metal ion concentrations in retrieved polyethylene total hip inserts and implications for artifactually high readings in tissue. Journal of biomedical materials research. 1993;27(11):1349-1355.
- Schneiderman G, Meldrum RD, Bloebaum RD, Tarr R, Sarmiento A. The interosseous membrane of the forearm: structure and its role in Galeazzi fractures. The Journal of trauma. 1993;35(6):879-885.
- Kloen P, Burke DW, Chew FS, Meldrum R. Radiographic pseudochondrocalcinosis in early failure of a cemented total knee replacement. The Journal of arthroplasty. 1998;13(8):953-957.
- Hoffeins B, White GL, Meldrum R. Achilles Tendon Ruptures: Pathology and Surgical Treatment." Surgical Physican Assistant. 1999;5(9):20-24
- Meldrum RD, Hollis JM. The strength of a cement acetabular locking mechanism. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2001;16(6):748-752.
- Meldrum R, Johansen RL. Safe screw placement in acetabular revision surgery. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2001;16(8):953-960.
- Meldrum RD. Erroneous aluminum and cobalt tissue concentrations from using formalin. Journal of biomedical materials research. 2001;57(1):59-62.
- Behairy Y, Meldrum RD, Harris WH. Hybrid revision total hip arthroplasty: a 7-year follow-up study. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2001;16(7):829-837.
- Meldrum R, Lipscomb P. Compartment syndrome of the leg after less than 4 hours of elevation on a fracture table. Southern medical journal. 2002;95(2):269-271.
- Wurtz LD, Feinberg JR, Capello WN, Meldrum R, Kay PJ. Elective primary total hip arthroplasty in octogenarians. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 2003;58(5):M468-471.
- Meldrum R, Feinberg JR, Capello WN, Detterline AJ. Clinical outcome and incidence of pregnancy after bipolar and total hip arthroplasty in young women. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2003;18(7):879-885.
- Meldrum R, Feinberg JR. Septic arthritis of the ankle due to Salmonella enteritidis: a case report. Southern medical journal. 2004;97(1):77-79
- Meldrum R, Feinberg J. Septic Arthritis of the Ankle due to Salmonella Enteritidis: A case report. Review Series. Rheumatology. 2004;March:20-21 Meldrum, RD, and Feinberg, JR: “Drug Use by College Athletes: Is Random Testing an Effective Deterrent?” http://www.thesportjournal.org/2002Journal/Vol5-Nol/drug-use.htm.
- Mazzuca SA, Page MC, Meldrum RD, Brandt KD, Petty-Saphon S. Pilot study of the effects of a heat-retaining knee sleeve on joint pain, stiffness, and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 2004;51(5):716-721.
- Meldrum RD, Wurtz LD, Feinberg JR, Capello WN. Does smoking affect implant survivorship in total hip arthroplasty? A preliminary retrospective case series. The Iowa orthopaedic journal. 2005;25:17-24.
- Meldrum R, Feinberg JR. Leg-length discrepancy from posterior tibial tendon insufficiency one year after total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics. 2006;29(1):83-85
- Meldrum RD, Maiers GP, 2nd, Feinberg JR, Parr JA, Capello WN, Park JJ. Long-term outcome of surface replacement with comparison to an age- and time-matched primary total hip arthroplasty cohort. The Journal of arthroplasty. 2008;23(1):1-9.
- Sakamoto B1, Keiser S2, Meldrum R3, Harker G1, Freese A3. fficacy of Liposomal Bupivacaine Infiltration on the Management of Total Knee Arthroplasty. JAMA Surg. 2016 Oct 12. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2016.3474. http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2566221
I performed the metal ion concerntration sample prep and statistics
Performed half of the disections and authored the manuscript
Reviwed and co-authored the manuscript and prepared the xrays for publication
Added surgical techniques to this review manuscriopt
I performed half of the xray analysis and preliminary manuscript author
Data analysis, IRB, Manuscript review
Data analysis, IRB, Manuscript review
I did all of the patient care and recorded the resulsts and satisfaction surveys
- Reis M, ed Adult Reconstruction Surgery of the Hip and Knee. Chicago, Il: American Academy of Orthopedi Surgery. Reis M, ed. Self-Assessment Examination.
Provided test questions to this CME tet book
Book Chapters
- Meldrum RD, Meals RA. Nadine. One Hundred Orthopaedic Conditions Every Doctor Should Understand. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 1992:102-105.
- Meldrum RD, Meals RA. Not Covred by Tuition. One Hundred Orthopaedic Conditions Every Doctor Should Understand. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., ; 1992:34-38
Other Professional Communications
- Meldrum R. Response to Letter Regarding Safe Screw Placement in Acetabular Revision Surgery. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2002;16(8):810-811.
- Meldrum R. Should Women With Hip Replacements Avoid Pregnancy. Women’s Health: Orthopaedic Edition, . 2003;November-December:191-195
Solcited Authorship:
- Wu J, Meldrum R, Bloebaum R. Inability of SEM to Determine Porosity of Highly Cross-Linked and Standard UHMWPE Using Secondary and BSE Imaging Analysis. Indiana Orthopedic Journal. 2007;1
- Dickens J, Meldrum RD. Proximal Femoral Viability Following Hemiarthroplasty for Osteonecrosis of the Hip: A Case Report. Indiana Orthopedic Journal. 2007;1.
- Meldrum RD. Hybrid Hip Resurfacing with a Metal-on-Metal Articulation.” Indiana Orthopaedic Journal. Indiana Orthopedic Journal. 2007;1.
- Meldrum R, Willie B, Bloebaum R. An Assessment of The Biological Fixation of a Retrieved Mayo Femoral Component. The Iowa orthopaedic journal. 2003;23:103-107.
- Meldrum R, Bloebaum R. An Assessment of the Biological Fixation of a Retrieved Non-Modular Tantalum Tibial Base Plate.” Indiana Orthopedic Journal. 2007;1
- Meldrum R, Bloebaum R. Histological Evaluation of a Proximal Femoral Allograft and Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clin Res; 1989.
- Meldrum RD, Willie BM, Bloebaum RD. An assessment of the biological fixation of a retrieved Mayo femoral component. The Iowa orthopaedic journal. 2003;23:103-107.
Meetings Transactions or Proceedings:
- Meldrum R, Bloebaum R, Dauterman LD, Dorr LD. Evaluation of the Incorporation of Femoral Allograft in Revision Arthroplasty. Paper presented at: Trans Soc Biomat Symp Ret Anal Surg Imp Biomat1988; Salt Lake City Utah
- Meldrum R, Hollis JA, 2000. Mechanical Strength of an Uncemented Polyethylene Liner. Paper presented at: Transactions of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons 2000; Dallas Texas
- Meldrum R, Capello WN, Feinberg JR, Detterline A. Pregnancy Complications After Total Hip Replacement Surgery. The 70th Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2003; New Orleans, Lousiana
- Meldrum R, Capello WN, Feinberg JR, Detterline A. Pregnancy Complications After Total Hip Replacement Surgery. The 70th Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2003; New Orleans, Lousiana.
- Farber JM, Buckwalter KA, Choplin R, Capello WN, Meldrum R. The Role of Multislice CT in Evaluating Particle Disease of the Hip: Initial Experience. Transactions of the Society for Skeletal Radiology; 2003.
- Meldrum R, Capello WN, Feinberg JR, Detterline A. Pregnancy Complications After Total Hip Replacement Surgery. The 70th Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2003; New Orleans, Lousiana
- Meldrum R, Bloebaum R. An Assessment of the Biological Fixation of a Retrieved Non-Modular Tantalum Tibial Base Plate.” Indiana Orthopedic Journal. 2007;
- Meldrum R, Gurkan UA, SA SAK, Akkus O. Osteogenic Effects of Preparations of Rat Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophages Challenged with Staphylococcus Aureus on Rat Marrow Stromal Cells. Orthopedic Research Society; 2009; Las Vegas Nevada
- Meldrum R, Parr JA, Bulcao C. Surgical Site Infection in Joint Arthroplasties: Prevention and Education. The 77th Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2010; New Orleans, Lousiana
- Meldrum RD, Johansen RL. Safe Screw Placement in Acetabular Revision Surgery. Paper presented at: The 67th Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons2000; Orlando, FloridaMeldrum R, Hollis JM. The Strength of a Cemented Acetabular Locking Mechanism. Paper presented at: Alabama Orthopaedic Society2000; Perdido Beach, Alabama
Works in progress
- Efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine infiltration on postoperative management of total knee arthroplasty: a two year retrospective cohort study. Bryan Sakamoto MD, PhD, Shelly Keiser PharmD, Russell Meldrum MD, Gene Harker MD, PhD, and Andrew Freese MD
- Effect of infiltration with liposomal bupivacaine on opioid usage, pain scores, and hospital length of stay in patients with and without chronic pain undergoing total knee arthroplasty. Daniel D. Tran MD, PharmD, (Bryan Sakamoto MD, PhD), Gene Harker MD, PhD, Russell Meldrum MD, and Kenneth Gwirtz MD.
- Metal-on-Metal Total Hip Replacement A Multi-Center, Cross-Sectional Post-Market Surveillance Study, Protocol CMU2012-08H
- Scholarly Presentations (colloquia, seminars, symposia conferences
Visiting Professor Lecture
- Meldrum, RD: “Allografting in Failed Hip and Knee Surgery,” University of Louisville, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds, Louisville, Kentucky, 2005.
- Meldrum, RD: “Bone Grafts and Their Alternatives,” San Francisco Orthopaedics Residency Program, St. Mary’s Hospital Grand Rounds Research Forum, San Francisco, California, 2005.
- Meldrum, RD: “Orthopaedic Engineering Controversies,” Purdue University, February 2008.
National or Regional Podium Presentation
- Meldrum, RD: "An Evaluation of the Incorporation of a Femoral Allograft in Revision Arthroplasty." Presented at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting,
- Dorr, LD; and Meldrum, RD: "Histological, Biomechanical and Ion Analysis of Tissues and Fluids Retrieved During Hip Revision." Co-Presenter at the Open Meeting of Hip Society, New Orleans, LA, 1990.
- Meldrum, RD: "Metal Concentrations in Polyethylene." Presented at the Society for Biomaterials, Birmingham, AL, 1993.
- Meldrum, RD: "Mechanical Strength of a Cemented Polyethylene Liner.” Presented at the American Association of the Hip and Knee Surgeons Meeting, Dallas, TX, November 1999.
- Farber, JM; Buckwalter, KA; Choplin, R; Capello, W; and Meldrum, RD: “The Role of Multislice CT in Evaluating Particle Disease of the Hip: Initial Experience.” Society for Skeletal Radiology, March 20, 2002, Pointe Verde Beach, Florida.
Salt Lake City, UT, 1988.
- Hermenau, S; Meldrum, RD; Pallis, M; and Moyer, M: “Accuracy of Linear Measurements using Digital Radiography,” Hawaiian Orthopaedic Society, April 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Meldrum, RD: “Long-Term Outcome of Surface Replacement with Comparison to Age-Matched Primary THA Cohort.” AAOS Meeting, Chicago, IL March 2006.
National / Internationall:
- Meldrum, RD: “Formalin Contamination of Periprosthetic Tissue Samples.”
- Meldrum, RD; and Johansen, RL: "Safe Screw Placement in Acetabular Revision Surgery." Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2000.
- Behairy, YM; Harris, WH; and Meldrum, RD: "Hybrid Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Minimum Seven-Year Follow-up Study." Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2000.
- Meldrum, RD; Price, C; Laurent, M; and Bhambri, S: “Surface Roughness Changes to the Femoral Component in Simulated Total Knee Surgery Conditions after Transient Contact with Bone Cement,” Society for Biomaterials, Tampa, FL, April 2002.
- Meldrum, RD; Willie, BM; Bireley, BR; and Bloebaum, RD: “Inability of SEM using Secondary and BSE Imaging Analysis to Determine the Porosity of Crosslinked and Standard UHMWPE “ Society For Biomaterials, Tampa, FL, April 2002.
- Wurtz LD; Meldrum RD; Feinberg JR; and Capello WN: “The Effect of Smoking on Long-Term Stability of Implants in Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA)." Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 2004.
- Meldrum, RD; Capello, WN; Feinberg, JR; and Detterline, AJ: “Pregnancy Complications after Total Hip Replacement Surgery.” The 70th Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, February 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana Hip and Knee Surgeons Meeting, Dallas, TX, November.
- Meldrum, RD; Page, MC; Mazzuca, SA; Brandt KD; and Petty-Saphon, S: “Effects of a Heat-Retaining Sleeve on Pain, Stiffness, and Function in Knee Osteoarthritis." Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2004.
- Meldrum, RD; Parr, JA, and Bulcao, CCC: Surgical Site Infection in Joint Arthroplasties: Prevention and Education. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2010 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 9-13, 2010.
Presented at the Fifth World Biomaterial Congress, Toronto, Canada
Grand Rounds
- Meldrum, RD: “Materials and Engineering Principles in Total Joint Replacement Surgery.” Indiana University Department of Physical Therapy, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 2000.
- Meldrum, RD: “Materials and Engineering Principles in Total Joint Replacement Surgery.” Tripler Army Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedics, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2001.
- Meldrum, RD: “Reconstructive Options for Hip Replacement.” Indiana University, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 2001.
- Meldrum, RD: “High Density Impaction Grafting.” Garceau-Wray Lecture Series, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 2001.
- Meldrum, RD: “Conservative Procedure for Hip Arthritis.” Indiana University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 2002.
- Meldrum, RD, “Total Joint Revision Surgery Planning.” Grand Rounds Guest Speaker, Trippler Army Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedics, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2003.
- Meldrum, RD: “The Hip Physical Examination.” Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds, United States Army, Brooke Army medical Center, Ft Sam, Houston, Texas, 2003.
- Meldrum, RD: “Hip Arthroscopy.” Indiana University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 2003.
- Meldrum, RD: “Hip Fractures: To Replace or Fix.” Indiana University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 2008.
- Meldrum, RD: “Biocompatiability and Corrosion of Orthopaedic Implants,” Indiana University Department of Orthopaedics, Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 2006.
Continuing Medical Education
- Meldrum, RD: “Hybrid Revision Hip Replacement Surgery: An Eight Year Follow- up.” Presented at the 27th Annual Fall Harvard Hip Course, Boston, MA, 1997.
- Meldrum, RD: “Cemented Revision of the Femoral Stem: Eight Year Results.” Presented at the 28th Annual Fall Harvard Hips Course, Boston, MA, 1998.
- Meldrum, RD: "Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head." Tripler Army Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedics, Honolulu, HI, August 1999.
- Meldrum, RD: “Peri-Prosthetic Hip Fractures.” Current Concepts on Hip Replacement Surgery, Sponsored by DePuy Orthopaedics, Thompsonville, MI, August 2001.
- Meldrum, RD: “The Cement Locking Mechanism.” Controversies in Hip Replacement Surgery, Sponsored by Zimmer Orthopaedics, Chicago, Illinois, August 2002
- Meldrum, RD: “Cementing Liners into Well Fixed shells.” Revision Hip and Knee Symposium (Sponsored by Zimmer Inc/Educational design), Chicago, Illinois, 2002.
- Meldrum, RD: “Impaction Grafting.” Revision Hip and Knee Symposium (Sponsored by Zimmer Inc/Educational Design), Chicago, Illinois, 2002.